
April 18, 2013

Homeopathy for Insect Bites

Warm weather is here and many of us are going to be busy with outdoor activities. The new buds and blooms bring along with them bees and other insects that we need to be careful about while enjoying nature outdoors. Most often, minor insect bites do not need any special attention. Application of ice or aloe vera gel soothes the bites greatly and they are relieved of their own accord in due course of time. However, sometimes symptoms are agonizing, especially for little children. If you are looking for a non-drowsy (or non-stimulating, as the case may be) alternative to conventional anti-histamines, turn to homeopathy! 

Before using any remedy, it is important to perform basic first aid by washing the wound with water and then cleaning it with hydrogen peroxide. This helps to kill most bacteria that may cause infections around the area of the bite.

We have already seen the usefulness of homeopathic remedies in first aid in a previous post. Now let's look at how homeopathy can be used to relieve the symptoms of insect bites.

When insect bite is followed by extreme fear, Aconite is useful. It is often the first remedy to be given in any kind of mental shock. Many times little children are really afraid of having been bitten and Aconite will help when this is the most prominent symptom.

Apis is nearly specific to all kinds of insect bites, especially to those that are red and swollen. Swelling develops rapidly around the bite and there is a sharp stinging type of pain. The area of the bite is worse from heat and better from cold. Remember Apis in bee stings.

Cantharis is useful when blisters develop around the bite and there is an intense burning pain. Persons needing cantharis feel better from warmth.

Carbolic acid can be of use when anaphylactic symptoms have developed and there is difficulty in breathing, with a reddish face and paleness around the mouth. The insect bite itself develops into vesicles with burning pain. Emergency medical care is usually called for before the symptoms progress to this state. However, carbolic acid can be very useful if one is ever stuck in some place where medical care is not immediately available.

Hypericum can help if you develop sharp shooting pains after an insect bite. There may be numbness and tingling after the bite, or muscle spasms in severe conditions.

Ledum pal is the most commonly used remedy for all kinds of insect bites from spiders, scorpions, mosquitoes, bees, and wasps. The area of the bite is extremely itchy and is better by cold applications. Ledum is useful to the person who always wants ice on the bite.

When the insect bite feels better by rubbing the area, Urtica urens is useful. The area turns red with large itchy welts. It is also indicated for hives and any allergic reactions as a result of the bite.

These are the major remedies used for insect bites, other remedies may also be used depending on the symptoms of the person who is bitten. Homeopathy can be immensely helpful in acute conditions, as long as the correct remedy and dosage are used. Therefore, if you prefer to use homeopathy, please consult a homeopath for recommendations on the best remedy suited to you.

Seek immediate medical attention if:

- the insect bite has a bull's eye pattern around it (brown recluse spider or tick bite)
- symptoms are not relieved and fever develops in 24-48 hours
- evidence of more than 10 bee or wasp stings
- evidence of more than 15 fire ant bites in a child
- insect bite inside the mouth (risk of tongue swelling)
- unconsciousness after the bite1

I hope you have a wonderful summer!


1. Homeopathy Clinic 

2. National Center for Homeopathy

Image courtesy Karen Roe/Flickr CC

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