
February 16, 2013

Homeopathy for first aid

It is a common misconception that homeopathic remedies work slowly and therefore are good only to be used for chronic illnesses. However, this belief is just that - a misconception. Homeopathic remedies act as fast or as slow as their prescriber wants them to, because the expert homeopath is carefully able to adjust dosage according to the condition of the diseased person.

That was a short introduction to explain how homeopathy can be useful in first aid - including bumps and bruises, concussions, sprains, fractures, insect bites and stings, burns, poison ivy, etc. Let us now look at some remedies that can be used in some of these conditions.

Arnica is very popular and commonly used in many households as the first remedy after a fall or a bruise, especially when the skin is not broken and there is a blue-black blood clot under the skin. It is also useful in concussion of the brain, which is a common sports injury. Arnica is available as pills to take internally, as well as creams and gels, for external application.

Calendula is to be considered when the skin is broken and there is some bleeding. It is also available in the form pills and ointments. Calendula tincture can be used to clean wounds, as well as Echinacea tincture.

Ledum palustre is useful in punctured wounds where there is much bleeding, as from a needle or a nail. It is also the remedy for tetanus.

Cantharis is the first remedy for burns and scalds with blistered skin, and also in the case of sunburn. 

We will look at remedies for sprains in a separate post, but the main remedies to think of are Arnica, Bellis perennis, Ruta, and Rhus tox.

Insect bites and stings also needs a separate post in detail. Some remedies to consider are Apis, Carbolic acid, Urtica urens, and Hypericum.

Rhus tox is useful in hives produced by poison ivy, especially when the person feels the itching is better by bathing with hot water.

In the case of fractures, remedies like Calcarea phos, Calcarea flourica, Ruta, and Symphytum are useful. Calcarea phos 6x can be used routinely in fractures to promote rapid healing of bones.

As you can see, homeopathy can benefit many kinds of 'diseases', both acute as well as chronic ailments. It is always a good idea to consult a homeopath first before trying any kind of self-medication.

1 comment :

  1. Very good information. Thanks for your time and patience.


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